Speed Darlington: Anonymous threatens to expose Burna Boy, gives 48 hours ultimatum

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By Empress Ugo

Anonymous Group has given Afro hip-hop artist, Burna Boy 48 hours to release comedian and musician, Speed Darlington who is allegedly held on his orders.

Though Anonymous Group did not mention Speed Darlington’s name, a recent plea to Burna Boy by his mother to release his son indicates the group may have referred to Speed Darlington.
A news outlet has published Speed Darlington’s mother’s plea, begging Burna Boy to release her son: “Burna, please release Akpi; we beg of you, for the sake of his mother.'”
Writing on their verified Meta account, Anonymous Group said: “We are writing to you on behalf of the Anonymous Group to express our grave concerns about the recent arrest of a young man under your orders. While we recognize your influence as a global music icon, we strongly urge you to reconsider the actions you have taken. You have 48 hours to ensure the immediate release of this individual. “Failure to do so will prompt us to respond, and we will not hesitate to take necessary measures to expose any unethical or illegal activities you may be involved in.
“No individual, regardless of their wealth, power, or social standing, should exploit their influence to intimidate or oppress others. Your position in society does not grant you the right to silence voices or to violate the rights of others simply because they may not have the resources to defend themselves. We stand for justice and fairness for all, and the abuse of power will not be tolerated.

“The actions of oppression you are engaging in harm not just the victim but society as a whole. When one person is oppressed, all of us are at risk. Oppression, when left unchecked, breeds resentment, anger, and further violence. You are in a position of power, and with that power comes great responsibility. Your platform allows you to inspire millions of people, but when you misuse it, you risk tarnishing not just your own image but the trust that people place in you.

“We are giving you the opportunity to correct this situation. The Anonymous Group believes in transparency and accountability, and we will monitor your actions closely. If you fail to heed this warning, we will make it our mission to bring to light any activities that you have been involved in that do not align with justice, fairness, or the protection of human rights. Our reach is extensive, and our commitment to defending the oppressed is unwavering. You may have influence, but we have the truth on our side, and the truth will always prevail.

“We urge you to release the young man and take this opportunity to reflect on how you can use your position for the greater good, rather than for personal gain or to exert power over those who are less fortunate. Everyone deserves to live free from fear, intimidation, and unjust treatment, and you have the power to make a positive impact by choosing the path of fairness and humanity.

“Remember, oppression to one is oppression to all. We look forward to your swift and just action within the next 48 hours. The world is watching, and history will judge your response. Choose wisely.”

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