50th birthday bash: I’m the most popular woman in the word now – Aisha Achimugu

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By Ihechimerem Enyinnaya

Billionaire businesswoman, Aisha Achimugu has described herself as the most popular woman in the world now, saying she doesn’t care what people say about her after shutting down Grenada to mark her 50th birthday recently.

Achimugu is not batting an eyelid about the dastardly report by the media against her, rather, she is defiant about it.

“And for those who have genuinely shown concern over the media, I want to assure you that I’m well, I’m in a high spirit, I really don’t give a hoot. I’m doing me; I’ve always done me, a happy soul, doing what makes me happy,” she said in a statement.

Achimugu said she would shutdown Nigeria on Sunday to give the media more to write and talk about.

“Good evening, everyone, lovers of mine. This is not an official thank you all for being there for me and coming to Grenada. It is a very tough time. It was a moment for me to thank everyone whom I should be concerned over the pleasant media help about this famous Aisha.

“And I want to congratulate myself for being the most popular person in the entire world, apart from the Gaza and Israeli fight, I guess something that’s most popular on the news globally. I give God the glory, and I thank God for my life,” she stated.

Aisha says she does not care what people say about her

She thanked everyone who has called her privately and those who have shown concern on the platform, and even those who had been quiet about it and praying in their own time.

“But I want to assure you all that this girl is moving ahead. I’m having a great time, and I’ll continue to have a great time and have a ball today, tomorrow, and Sunday for those of you who are going to be around. And for those who are genuinely not concerned, I love you all.

“For those who are a player of what it is, I love you all. It’s just me, Aisha Achimugu, and I remain me, continue to shine, I continue to do me, and I’m not doing anyone else. And I’m all not politically about it.

“So, relate my message to those outside who are also calling you to show their concern and tell them that this young lady here is just starting, and they will hear more of me.

“I’ve not been in a media space, but since they’ve made it a duty for me to do that, I promise you’ll see more of my face in the media. So, in a lighter mode, just to let you know, I’m happy and looking forward to today.

“My most exciting moment is my charity ball, ten years of self, and then tomorrow to party and shut Nigeria down again. So I will give them things to talk about. Thank you,” she stated.