Men are cheap and loose — Phyna

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Controversial reality TV star, Josephina Otabor, popularly known as Phyna, has explained why many men are polygamous.

While speaking with media personality and fellow reality TV star, Tacha, during the latest episode of the latter’s podcast, ‘Spill With Phyna’, both ladies agreed that men are the most loose gender.

“I feel men are more loose or more cheap,” Phyna stated.

“I don’t want you to feel, they are actually,” Tacha corroborated.

Speaking further, Phyna said men are so cheap that a woman wouldn’t need to talk too much to get a man.

“I think it’s because they (men) are so cheap, that’s why they can easily do this polygamy.

“Most of the time, the people they marry as second wife, third wife, they were not the ones who even approached them. So I feel this their polygamous whatever (is because) they are cheap. It’s cheapness that is causing it,” Phyna added.