The shocking death of a legislative colosus, Rt Hon Ghali Na’abba

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Hon. Achor Obioma

I was shocked to the marrows when I read about the untimely exit of Rt Hon Ghalli Na’abba, the Speaker of the 4th Assembly, 1999 to 2003.

Death comes when it will and sadly the nature of mortals allows us no escape to live forever no matter how tenaciously our grip on life, but the big question is what can you be remembered for?
Na’ Abba’s exit at 66 answers this question creditably as he led the Fed House of Reps with dignity, courage and erudition. In some human factors history is made unconsciously. I recall with nostalgic exuberance when a vacuum was created in the speakership of the House of Reps in 1999, I had no doubt that that he had all it takes to be the speaker and I nominated him to a an overwhelming winning and he didn’t disappointed me, the legislative community and the rest of Nigerians AS WE ENJOYED his leadership, protection of democracy, resistance of despotic tendencies.

A courageous man is gone, a legislator per excellence has departed, an advocate of free speech and separation of powers, strong party man has left our shores. Kano Municipal Fed constituency is in tears as I have lost a dear colleague.
May his soul rest in peace.