Popes, Presidents and Prime Ministers that have been Aborted

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By Idang Alibi

One of the End Times tactics which Satan has been using of late is the release of his agents on a special mission to spread the message about the urgent need to make the sacred profane. In line with that agenda, there is a facebook friend of mine whose name I am too afraid to mention, who seems to be the leader of that mission to Nigeria.
Once in a while, she comes on with the advocacy that we should learn to call the sacred parts of the human body by their proper names. For her, there is no sense in using euphemism to stand in their places. According to her, anyone who uses what is considered decent and decorous words in places of the real names is either bush or is committing an offense she has not bothered to tell us. How the age-long use of euphemism for those parts by all cultures of the world rankles her, she has also not bothered to explain to us. Which leaves some of us wondering what thoughts that must have informed the voicing out of such type of advocacy and what are the intended benefits to us and to her. Is her crusade motivated by sheer mischief, callousness and a rebellious spirit endued her by Satan himself?
The main agenda of Satan and the special agents he has sent on that mission is to devalue sex, to commonalise it and disrobe it of its sacredness, its profound mystery to generations of humanity. If the sacred parts are called by their real and proper names, the easier to use them in abominable sex without any feeling of guilt, it seems to me. According to the eminent sociologist, Margaret Meade, in every culture, whether primitive or sophisticated, there is a sexual taboo. One of it is that the private parts are deeply venerated and not called by their real names anyhow. Sex, that mysterious motive force for human history, is unlike every other thing.
We have legs, hands, eyes, mouth and other parts which seem superior in their functions to the private parts but they are not quite like those sacred ones. We are left to figure out why and continue to venerate them.
A handmaid in the campaign of Satan and his minions is the advocacy for abortion which this friend of mine is also a committed advocate. A few days ago, she was riling against people who are against abortion. This her latest campaign caused me to remember some moving stories about some prominent citizens of our contemporary world who were nearly aborted or would never have been born if God himself had not intervened to ensure that His will was done. The stories of these notables tell me about the sacredness of the human life and why no man, be he a professional, a parent or a friend should never take human life or do anything to prevent the birthing of a human. It also shows that we humans are not products of accidental discharges whether the intimacy that brought us to being was incestuous, non-consensual or whatsoever.
Here is the moving story of the late Pope John Paul 11 who was born as Karol Wojtyla in Poland that should frighten every sane man from thinking about an abortion: ‘’Over one hundred years ago on May 18, Emilia Wojtyla gave birth to her second son, Karol, after a difficult and life-threatening pregnancy. The child would grow up to be St. John Paul11.
She had to choose between her own life and that of the baby she was carrying, but her deep faith did not allow Emilia to choose abortion.
… Emelia Wojtyla was depressed by the insistence of her first doctor, Dr. Jan Moskala that she have an abortion. Emelia and Karol Wojtyla made a bold decision that regardless of everything, their conceived baby was to be born. And so they started looking for another doctor’’.
The long and short of this grave story is that the second doctor was a humble and faithful one. He did not have this professional arrogance which doctors acquire in the course of their training that they are ‘god’ or at best marginally next to God when a human life is involved and is in their theater. He did not permit abortion and the baby who was destined to be a pope and a saint later, was born.
The story of the current Russian leader Vladimir Putin is no less moving. Putin’s father is said to have gone to the war front against an enemy. While he was there, the enemy came and attacked his home village and devastated it. He came home and discovered that so many persons in his village were killed. When he approached his home, he saw a truck parked near loading corpses unto it destined for mass burial. He looked and behold he saw his wife at the bottom with corpses piled on top of her. He looed again and discovered that his wife’s body was shaking, indicating that life had not crept out of her.
He hurried up to dislodge the load on top of her, got her out and rushed her to hospital. By the grace of God, her life was restored. It was shortly after this near-death experience that she conceived and bore the child that is today President Vladimir Putin, the eminent leader of Russia. Imagine what would have been the fate of the rest of us in the world, if someone like Putin had not been born to stand up to the antics of the USA and its European quislings.
The war in Ukraine is an American inspired war from which all of us are today suffering. Unfortunately, because of America’s superior propaganda much of the world is led to believe that it was Russia that visited the war on Ukraine, unjustly. But this is not true. Russia is fighting a just war in defense of its sovereignty and survival.
St. John Paul11and Putin are only a few examples of hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of the world’s presidents, popes, great scientists and thinkers and philosophers that have over the ages been aborted because some wicked feminists and hardened free-thinkers think that we are just too many and that our population must be controlled or that the lives of mothers can be saved at the expense of the lives they are carrying in their wombs.
Some weeks ago some official in this woe-begotten country was talking about the need to have safe abortions and a wise Nigeria was telling them of the cruel irony in their proposition: You want to ensure the safety of some at the detriment of delicate human beings in the womb who equally deserve to live!